WATCH OUT. THESE kids are going to be running the country soon.
1. This kid isn’t wrong
2. It pays to consider diversity
Ignorant adults.
3. This little guy, who is definitely wiser than us all
He’s just happy to be here.
4. And this guy, keeping it simple
5. This kid, telling it like it is
6. This genuine genius
7. In fairness, it might have worked
8. This wry observation
9. And this fair attempt at guesswork
10. “Talking in my brain”
11. This kid, with a trick of the hand
12. Still a better guess than bib
13. These little pals, who can definitely fool you
14. This sass
15. And admirable honesty
16. Kids are smart because they’re not afraid to say what we’re all thinking
17. They see through your bullshit
18. Basically, don’t mess with kids