Dublin: 8 °C Sunday 9 March, 2025

Irish kid's hilarious handwritten recipe calls for 'mental butter'

An easy mistake to make.

RÓISÍN FROM CO Carlow brought a lovely recipe for banana bread home from school, but her parents noticed something a bit odd about it.


Not only does the ingredients list call for the butter to be “mental”, it also requires that you “put the mental butter and sugar into the bananas”.

mental butter Source: Conor McLysaght

According to Róisín’s dad she was in a rush to write down the recipe and…

I asked her to read out her recipe to me and she said “melted” every time. Turns out the teacher was calling it out and that’s how Róisín thought was the correct way to spell melted.

Send us in a slice of that banana bread Róisín, it sounds delicious.

Read: 14 kids who have absolutely no idea how funny they’re being>

12 jobs that made your young life miserable>

About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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