FOR PEOPLE WHO have just moved to Kildare, or for those visiting, picking up on the local slang might be a struggle.
So this week’s Leinster Leader has stepped into the breach with a long, exhaustive list to help people out.
And it starts off with some crucial definitions:
I seen dah – I saw that
I done dah – I did that
Deh biys – The men
Did ya back any winners today? – traditional greeting
And Kildare people have applauded their fine work
“Cousint” made the grade
“as in ‘me cousint’ – ‘my cousin’ in parts of west Kildare.”
It gives us a stunning insight into the linguistics of an entire county:
Plank a bagger – to lay wooden planks in front of a bagger, a Bord na Mona machine, and thus prevent it from sinking.
Steamed ouh-hov-eh – sleep brought on by excessive alcohol consumption
If you know anyone in need of a true Kildare education, point them here.