LET’S ALL CAST our minds back on the moment earlier this month when Kim Kardashian West thought it appropriate to advertise appetite suppressants on her Instagram page.
Appetite suppressants which came in lollipop form, no less.
And now let’s consider the backlash she received on account of that decision.
Take Jameela Jamil’s stance on the matter for instance.
No. Fuck off. No. You terrible and toxic influence on young girls. I admire their mother’s branding capabilities, she is an exploitative but innovative genius, however this family makes me feel actual despair over what women are reduced to. ☹️ pic.twitter.com/zDPN1T8sBM
— Jameela Jamil (@jameelajamil) May 16, 2018
And given her young and impressionable fanbase, members of the public agreed with Jameela and were critical of her approach to matters of health and body image.
And now as far as they’re concerned, she’s gone and done it again.
Taking to Twitter yesterday, the mother-of-three shared a link to her app which purported to explain how the 38-year-old ‘maximises fat loss’.
How I maximize fat loss https://t.co/Bvgpz1QerJ
— Kim Kardashian West (@KimKardashian) May 29, 2018
And people just aren’t here for it.
In fact, they’re going for Kim with a vengenance, suggesting her figure has more to do with the surgeon’s knife than the trainer’s programme.
And here are some of the sarkiest of the responses.
appetite suppressing lollipops?
— princess cara 🥀 (@catsandtsj) May 29, 2018
— Stu (@BapperNI)
More like “take a couple pictures on a treadmill, then off to the surgeon.”
— Amber Sweet (@AmberRSweet_) May 29, 2018
Please be real, don’t be a fraud. We all know u went under the knife. How can u promote this?????
— charisma.mcd (@charismamcdona1)
You pay your surgeon to remove it. Stop playing
— DPCHILLIN (@shizzambangle)
Probs it’s a pretty long list of things that so many ppl can’t afford.. It can’t be just cardio… ..
— isa bella (@isabelpmi)
Haha Lipo…it works wonders….for those who have the money ££€€$$¥¥
— Eden (@EdenBubble)
Is that what we call liposuction now? Fat Loss??? I mean if you want to be literal about it!
— Girlgonemad4love (@Girlgonemad4lo1) May 30, 2018
Who are you kidding you absolute muppet... Surgery and Photoshop... at least be honest about it!
— Barry White (@barrywhite__) May 30, 2018