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Kim Kardashian's book of selfies isn't just for Kanye... it's for all of us

Ah here.

KIM KARDASHIAN IS to publish a coffee book of selfies, because of course.

The reality star has inked a deal with New York publisher Rizzoli to publish a 352-page tome of selfies entitled – what else – Selfish.

download Source: Rizzoli USA

From Rizzoli’s blurb:

Widely regarded as a trailblazer of the “selfie movement”—a modern-day self-portrait of the digital age—Kim has mastered the art of taking flattering and highly personal photos of oneself.

Did you hear that? Kim Kardashian is a trailblazer and an artist. Taking selfies? It’s all part of a “movement”.

The book will retail for $19.95 and will be released in April 2015.

Fun fact: at 352 pages, Kim Kardashian’s selfie collection is longer than The Catcher in the Rye (224 pages), Of Mice and Men (112 pages), The Great Gatsby (180 pages) and The Unbearable Lightness of Being (320 pages).

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About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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