EVERY WEEKDAY MORNING, DailyEdge.ie rounds up the best of the day’s celebrity dirt from the top to the very bottom.
Rob Kardashian isn’t impressed with his sister Kim discussing his issues with Rolling Stone magazine. Kim appears on the cover of the magazine this month but it’s not all about her.
She spoke about her younger brother Rob’s ‘layabout’ status, saying that he doesn’t do anything except smoke weed.
When asked about his mysterious status and keeping out of the public eye, she had this to say
It’s not that mysterious, what’s happening with Rob. He has gained weight. He feels uncomfortable being on the show, and that’s OK. Do I think he smokes weed, drinks beer, hangs out and plays video games with his friends all day long? Yes.
When asked if it’s not more hookers and meth at the Ritz, she replied, “No no. Or he’d be skinny.”
According to US Weekly Rob is now in a deep rage with her, and blocked her on his phone.
Ah lads, can we all just get along?
Hilary Duff quit Tinder after she was rejected by seven men while doing a challenge on radio. The singer didn’t reveal her true identity, btu has admitted to using the app in the past to find love after splitting from husband Mike Comrie.
Duff has even been on dates as a result of the app. Well, no more.
Sandra Bullock had the perfect response to being named People’s Most Beautiful woman earlier this year. The actress has said she only agreed to be on the cover if she could give her two cents about what beautiful actually is.
I said if I can talk about the amazing women who I find beautiful, which are these women who rise above and take care of business and do wonderful things, and take care of each other, then I’m more than honoured to be on the cover of this.
You tell em.
All the rest of the day’s dirt…
Josh Hartnett is expecting his first child, well, his girlfriend is (Daily Mail)
Ben Affleck has admitted that Daredevil sucks. Thanks, Ben
Prince William flew Ryanair and there’s photographic proof (Daily Mail)
Enrique Iglesias got arrested. He can run he can… oh sorry (E! Online)