Dublin: 5 °C Friday 14 March, 2025

Press Release Pun of the Day

We give you the 2012 Knitting and Stitching Show… and ‘quilty’ pleasures. Guffaw.

“LIKE A GOOD yarn that never gets old… we think knitting and stitching is the winter’s 50 Shades of Grey as people get ready to indulge their quilty pleasures”.

Julian Day, show director of the Knitting and Stitching Show 2012 is cracking us up with these crafty puns.

The show takes place at the RDS from 1-4 November and Day is emphasising that picking up the needles is “no longer the preserve of grannies presenting the annual Christmas jumper”.

*scurries away to buy ticket and practice ‘plain one, purl one’*

Chris Ison/PA Wire

PICTURES: Molly Malone and Phil Ly-Knit in woolly hats>

About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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