Dublin: 7 °C Sunday 16 March, 2025

VIDEO: Finally, Kristen-vs-Robert gets the overly serious analysis it deserves

“Bonnie, could this get any worse?”

NATURALLY, THE (POSSIBLE) end of the Hollywood juggernaut that was Robsten has been a massive, massive story.

And as such it deserves serious-minded analysis. Step forward Chloe and Bonnie of Hollywood Life, who dissect the Kristen-Stewart-vs-Robert-Pattinson affair with surgical precision:

Where do you think Rob went? Do you think he went home to England, since that’s where he’s from?

Prime your chin-stroking finger and enjoy.


Read: Robert Pattinson ‘moves out of house’; Twihards deny everything>

Gallery: The internet passes judgement on Kristen Stewart’s cheating>

About the author:

Michael Freeman

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