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Here's what Kylie Jenner herself thinks about the #KylieJennerChallenge

The craze has taken over Twitter for the past few days.

FOR THE PAST few days, teens on Twitter have been trying to emulate Kylie Jenner’s pout with the #KylieJennerChallenge.

front camera round 2 Source: kyliejenner

The ‘challenge’ involves placing a bottle or jar over your mouth, then sucking out the air until your lips swell up.

It’s really something.


Props to this girl who really worked the look:

Source: FedeTV/YouTube

Parents have grown concerned about the craze after many participants were left with severely bruised lips – according to WRKN, doctors fear that it may cause permanent scarring.

As the namesake of the meme, Kylie Jenner has finally spoken out about the ‘challenge’, but seems to have missed the point of the craze (comedy value) just a tiny bit.

She says she’s not encouraging her fellow youths to look like her:

Don’t try this at home, kids!

Previously: Teenagers are doing the ‘Kylie Jenner lip challenge’ and it’s legit horrifying>

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