LADY GAGA HAS been touting her upcoming album ARTPOP for some time. It’s about art and pop. (A recent single included the refrain “sex, dance, art, pop.”)
As part of that, she went to practice with noted performance artist Marina Abramovic. And took all of her clothes off.
This is NSFW, obviously.
Vimeo/Marina Abramovic Institute
Gaga was filmed learning the Abramovic Method, which is described as “a series of exercises and environments designed to increase [participants'] awareness of their physical and mental experience in the moment.”
Abramovic staged a major retrospective in New York’s Museum of Modern Art. As part of the exhibition, she sat silent and still in the centre of the gallery for a total of 736 hours, while visitors took turns sitting opposite her.
Gaga came to see that exhibition, and Abramovic later said:
The public who normally don’t go to the museum, who don’t give a shit about performance art or don’t even know what it is, started coming because of Lady Gaga. And they saw the show and then they started coming back. And that’s how I get a whole new audience.