Dublin: 6 °C Tuesday 11 March, 2025

The Ladybird books have just got a whole lot more adult

‘The Ladybird Book of the hangover’ is now real.

ladybird1 Source: Amazon

WE ALL REMEMBER ‘The Ladybird Book of…’ series for children, guiding us through everything from spelling to animals.

Now they have released a load of them just for adults – and the titles alone are gas.

They range from ‘The Ladybird Book of the hangover’ to ‘The Ladybird Book of the hipster’. The synopsis for the hangover guide reads:

This delightful book is the latest in the series of Ladybird books which have been specially planned to help grown-ups with the world about them.

Just what we need.

ladybird4 Source: Amazon

As the Indpendent reports, the series is full of dark humour – and aimed at adults getting on with their regular lives.

Like this book of the mid-life crisis:

ladybird3 Source: Amazon

There has been parody Ladybird books created in the past, like these

Now the more adult series is a real thing. The other books in the series are:

  • The Ladybird Book of Mindfulness
  • The Ladybird Book of Dating
  • The Ladybird Book of Sheds
  • How it Works: The Husband
  • How it Works: The Wife

Well played.

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About the author:

David Elkin

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