Dublin: 11 °C Sunday 23 February, 2025

Everything you didn’t know (that you definitely should know) before getting laser hair removal

Save yourself the hassle of rescheduling.

MY LONG-RUNNING streak of winning competitions came through for me again at a press event last week, when I won a voucher for a place that does laser hair removal.

I’ve been wanting to bite the bullet for a long time, but it obviously it makes the decision a lot easier when it’s not your own money, riiiiiiiiiiiiight?

I was of two minds as to where on my body to get the treatments done. So, like any normal person, I consulted Instagram – and was met with some serious home truths.

To be honest, I thought a consultation (and the actual removal itself) would involve very little other than me walking into room and talking some of clothes off. However, I was quickly informed that there’s more to it than that – starting with the patch test.

If you have even a speck of tan on you, they’ll reschedule it.

It probably depends what place you go to, but for Therapie Clinic, your skin has to be completely tan free, otherwise they can’t test you. So, don’t go chancing your arm thinking you’ll get away with – you more than likely won’t.

And speaking of tan …

If you’ve been tanned (or burnt, given that good ol’ Irish complexion) by the sun, you’re going to have to give yourself four weeks before any patch test or treatment.

Taking medication?

When I went to book my patch test, I was in the midst of a course of antibiotics for an extremely unglam case of tonsilitis. I had one day left to go, and was initially booked in for the patch test four days later. However, when I told them what I was taking, they advised making sure I was off them for as long as I was on them (a week) before getting the patch test. Y’know, just in case.

Similarly, you can’t take ibuprofen or anti-histamines after a patch test, as they can negate the symptoms of a reaction. Again, better safe than sorry. 

You can’t rock your yeti best for your appointment

You have to have shaved beforehand. You need to leave enough so that the person performing the procedure can suss your hair type and the likes. However, you do need to leave an area shaved for them to test, obvs. 

You can shave before your patch test and between sessions, but waxing is a big no no.

You’re ok to shave up to the day before your patch test. With waxing, however, it removes the hair follicle, so the laser has nothing to target. If you’ve waxed or plucked the treatment area you would have to wait 6-8 weeks for follicles to produce a new hair.

Psst! If you want to see how I get on post-patch test and mid-laser hair removal, keep your eye on the site over the next few weeks.

DailyEdge is on Instagram!

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