IS THERE ANY better feeling than the last day of school, with the precious summer stretching out in front of you?
Primary school kids all over Ireland are feeling that feeling today, and we want to help recreate those memories for you too.
So let yourself relax, and feel those feels.
Firstly, we’d like you to imagine you’re wearing really tight shoes. Now imagine you’ve taken them off and put your feet up on the couch
That’s the stuff. The last day of school feeling.
Now, remember doing this?
Nobody was even going to give out to you. You never had to wear it again (or for two months at least).
Nobody does any work on the last day of school, right?
Maybe you played games, maybe you sat on the tables, maybe you went out to the yard, maybe you gave your teacher a present.
Remember those moments. Breathe them in. And look at these dogs:
That magic half day on the last day of school? Close your eyes and remember that feeling at 12.30 approached, and listen to this:
Look at these dancing birds. That’s you on the last day of school
You, walking out the school gates
Remember dropping your school bag in a corner when you got home on the last day of school?
Yeah, you drop that bag. You drop it good.
And remember that day after the last day of school?
Sweet, sweet freedom.
And finally, remember that it’s Friday