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Last night a Cork man on Graham Norton's red chair told a mortifying story about waxing his foot

Something to keep in mind next time you go to your physiotherapist.

Screen Shot 2018-12-08 at 09.25.02 Source: BBC

LAST NIGHT, THE Graham Norton Show wrapped up with a story from a Cork man named Mark. Before Mark shared his story with the nation, Graham noted the Cork connection and asked, “Right, am I in your story?” To which Mark replied, “Not the ones you wanna hear.” Great start. He jumped right into the story. 

So I injured my foot in the summer and it was really, really badly damaged and I said I’d just leave it and leave it and leave it, but it never healed so I decided to bite the bullet and go to the physio. The funny thing is, I really fancy my physiotherapist. She’s really, really good looking and unfortunately I have really hairy feet.  

Screen Shot 2018-12-08 at 09.18.49 Source: BBC

Mark said he didn’t want to go to his appointment with his ‘hobbit feet’, so he decided to do some hair removal work on the affected foot. You might see where this is going. 

I decided at the last minute to just rip off the hair on my damaged foot. So, I went in anyway, put the bad foot up and she was checking it and checking it and she couldn’t really see what the problem was. So she was like, “Can you just pop your other foot up there so I can compare?” I was like, “Oh no.”

Mark did as he was told and ‘lumped the other foot up’. When the doctor saw, he said she had a ‘smart grin on her face’. Eventually, she turned to him and said, “Don’t worry Mark. You’d be surprised how many people come in here like that.” 

Well, at least before this fella went on Graham Norton to share this story, the doctor probably just thought he did it because of general embarrassment. Now she knows it was because he was trying to impress her with a bald foot. 

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About the author:

Kelly Earley

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