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This guy's 'leaving Ireland shop' is causing some fierce debate

His choices aren’t to everyone’s taste.

LEAVING IRELAND IS tough. You have to say goodbye to your friends, family, pets, favourite places, and most importantly… Irish food.

Reddit user @Jonesy27 posted this seriously droolworthy photo of his shopping trolley, captioning it:

The “I’m leaving Ireland tomorrow” shop.

ut1pRsX Source: Jonesy27

A perfect haul.

  • King crisps, check.
  • Lyons, check.
  • Denny pudding, check.
  • Mikado, check.
  • Dubliner cheese, check.
  • Brennan’s, check.

He told DailyEdge.ie that he’s been living on the Isle of Man on and off since he was four, but this was the first time they brought a car on the ferry. He also said they “added loads of red lemonade, rock shandy and more biscuits after this pic was taken”.

But many weren’t impressed with the selection

Kings? Sooner you leave the better for us all.
Lyons tae, king crisps and denny puddings! You’re everything that’s wrong with this country.
I hope it’s just for a week, because that all the tea bags you have enough for. A week.
Lyons’ tea? You can show yourself out.


Where’s the club orange, TK red lemonade and Hunky Dorys? They’re the essentials! Should’ve picked up some Country Spring American cream soda too. There’s a chronic lack of Irish fizzy drinks in that trolley!

Everyone’s a critic.

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