PIERS MORGAN WAS on The Late Late Show last night, because Trump might be visiting Ireland and they had to get someone on to talk about it (and no one else was available, clearly.)
He talked about things other than Trump – himself (shocker_, his Irishness (debatable) and how he thinks Meghan Markle is a social climber because she ghosted him once apparently (to quote every male on Twitter, “didn’t happen”.)
In his interview with Ryan Turbridy, he openly admitted to being a contrarian when it comes to his Twitter activity – deliberately trolling people to illicit a reaction.
However, he also said he means everything he says. Fair enough.
When the interview was finished, he pretty much demanded a standing ovation because the Irish senior ladies’ hockey team – who made the World Cup final for the first time EVER this year – got one. Yep, definitely comparable with a man who gets paid to say he doesn’t like Love Island twice a week on live television.
For whatever reason, the audience obliged his request and the majority got to their feet.
It’s important to preface here that the audience were not drunk. I’ve been in the audience before. I’ve drank the thimbles of wine. They are all of sound mind and body.
And yet, they stood up for a man who has:
- Repeatedly asked someone about their genitals live on air.
- Regularly engages in the targeted harassment of female celebrities when they do something that he doesn’t like or agree with. He literally hates Madonna for simply aging.
- Called non-binary children “a contagion”. Children. CHILDREN.
- Blamed the Kardashians for Lamar Odom’s coma after a drug overdose. Hmm. Sound familiar?
- Attempted to normalise far-right politics and ideologies because of his friendship with Trump.
Will I go on? I could. But I won’t. To add insult to injury, no one stood for Jim Warny, a Clareman who participated in the rescue of 12 Thai boys and their coach from a flooded cave. I’m not one to keep score when it comes to mistakes, but that’s a pretty sizeable list, no?
Exercise some free will and maybe don’t stand up ’cause a megalomaniac told you to.