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QUIZ: What Would Your Toy Show Talent Be?

Take the quiz and find out.


1. Pick some festive audience attire
2. Who's your favourite Late Late host?
Pat Kenny
Ryan Tubridy

Fergal Smith
3. What free audience gift would you be most jealous of?
A weekend away down the country
A Christmas hamper

The toys, the toys!
Whatever food is going
4. Which segment do you use for a loo break?
The ads and the ads alone.
The books. Snore.

The token boyband appearance.
When the toy being demonstrated is boring.
5. Pick the Toy Show kid you most relate to.
Keane fan Domhnall
John Joe the horologist

Níl kid
Stage fright Toby
6. Which puppet would you most like to perform with?

Zig and Zag
7. Finally, What's your Toy Show nightmare?
Stage fright
Losing control of your electric jeep

Dead batteries
Forgetting your words
Answer all the questions to see your result!
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You're a total Billy Barry Kid
If you're not animatedly singing and dancing in the front row of the chorus, you don't want to know.
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You belong in the book segment
You've got an eye for a good book and a fondness for feeling superior to all the rest of the kids.
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You would review a toy
The low-key heroes of the Toy Show. You could be trusted to tell it to us straight and keep calm when something doesn't work like it should.
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You belong in the choir
So pleasant, so lovely, so jaunty. You definitely want to hide in the back and mime, and that's OK.
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You would belt it through the studio in a toy car
You belong in the drive on because you literally couldn't stay still for anything else. At least we trust you... sorta.
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