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9 simple exercise tips even the laziest person can fit into their day

Simple and easy ways to improve your fitness.

NEW YEAR, NEW you. Except that the new you is still eating pizza in bed at 2pm on a Sunday.

Hey, nobody likes change, especially in January. HOWEVER, if you feel like you should be doing something to keep your body fit and healthy, here are some simple exercises–some of which, you can literally do on the sofa.

1. Do 50 reps of a simple cardio exercise when you’re waiting on the oven

Hopefully there won’t be a pizza inside but sure look, that’s your prerogative. If the mood takes you, do 100 jumping jacks, marches in place, punches, or 100 seconds planking. 100 may seem like a lot, but it will only take about two minutes out of your life.

We recommend the leap frog, because you look as stupid as you feel–but with great glutes.

Source: ScrewingTheRules (of DATING)/YouTube

2. Take the stairs going into work

This is a simple one. So simple, you’ll be asking yourself why you haven’t been doing it all along. Instead of getting the lift up to your fourth floor office or apartment, just take the stairs instead. If you live in a two story house, attempt to run up and down a few times before committing to a floor. Just think of it as a free elliptical.

real_life_stairs-escalator Source: BlogSpot

3. Get a fitness ball to watch TV or work on

By sitting on a fitness ball you’ll be forced to engage your muscles to keep yourself balanced. All the while marathoning on Netflix. Win win.


4. Exercise in bed

Bed is so comfy, so why not stay there while you exercise? Nano Workout have some great, simple exercises you can do while horizontal and cosy. Nice.

quad_stretch Source: Nanoworkout


If you’re as lazy as we’re thinking, your house probably needs a clean. Go for it, and kill two birds with one stone. Hoover, mop, change bedsheets, clean windows–anything that gets the heart going. All of that elbow grease adds up to some standard core work.

DSC_0003 Source: benjaminreay

6. Use food as weights

Again–waiting for something to cook maybe–grab a bottle of wine, a tin of beans or a packet of rice and use them as makeshift weights. Extend arm in front of you, and flex elbow to bring it in to your shoulder. Do this about 50 times. Out to your sides and circle for a minute or two.

can-curl Source: Sheknows

7. Butt squeezes

You can literally do these ANYWHERE. In bed, in a meeting, on the couch, in line for McDonalds, wherever. People won’t notice, but maybe make sure nobody is standing behind you just in case. All you have to do is tense your ass muscle and you’ll wake up in the morning with an ass to putt Kim K to shame.


8. Stand on the bus

Bus surfing is responsible for many a toned leg in Ireland.

stand2 Source: Wikispaces

9. Walk to the shops

If you need a few groceries and you live quite near a shop, don’t be tempted to hop into the car. Not only will you get a walk in there and back, you’ll also have to carry a few shopping bags so will get some upper arm work in too.


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