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28 memories of the Leaving Cert every Irish person will take to their grave

It’s that time of year again…

exa Source: awkwardaveen/Instagram

1. Trying to force yourself to study while the rest of the country enjoyed glorious weather.

2. Eating the head off your Mam for something as small as giving you Fig Rolls when she knows you don’t like Fig Rolls. 

3. Promising yourself you’ll study after you watch just *five more minutes* of this Euro 2016/World Cup/Wimbledon match.

4. So many nervous poos.

study Source: elkstudies/Instagram

5. Packing all your belongings in a clear plastic bag. 

6. And panicking that all your newly purchased pens would conspire against you and stop working during the exam.

7.  Decamping to a big sports hall and being forced to wear your thick jumper despite the fact it’s sweltering outside.

8. Being genuinely grateful for any and all Mass cards received.

cross Source: caitrionapalmer/Instagram

9. Having palpitations listening to people go on about how Keats is definitely going to come up when you focused exclusively on Eavan Boland.

10. The stress of making sure you didn’t have one of those fabled “programmable calculators” your Maths teacher warned you about.

11. And ensuring your log tables were clean as a whistle with nothing written inside lest you jeopardise your maths exam.

12. “Léigh anois go cúramach, ar do scrúdpháipéar, na treoracha agus na ceisteanna a ghabhann le Cuid A.”

3/6/2015. Leaving Certificate Exams Begin


14. The actual drama when someone dropped down to pass on the day of the exam.

15. Nearing the end of your exam booklet and waving your hand for more paper, all the while being hyper-conscious of how much time you have left.

16. Two words: graph paper.

grap Source: themeanprincess/Instagram

17. Waffling for Ireland.

18. Listening to people shite on about how they “definitely failed” when you know they’ll almost certainly get an A2.

19. Writing a letter to your French friend Mathieu telling him your plans for after the Leaving Cert.

20. The piercing frequency of those beeps on the aural comprehension.

giphy (2) Source: seinfeldgifs/Tumblr

21. Doing badly in an exam and convincing yourself that you’ve ruined your life.

22. But being so stressed and tired that you don’t even really care  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

23. “Sure, it’ll be grand. I can repeat next year.”

24. There’s nothing wrong with sitting the Leaving Cert when you’re 19, is there?

giphy (1) Source: Reddit

25. Being envious of those lucky sods who finished their Leaving Cert ages before you.

26. That week of purgatory before your last exam where you’re not quite free, but you have no f**ks left to give.

27. The overwhelming relief when you *finally* finish.


giphy Source: Giphy

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About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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