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The Leaving Cert Nightmare is the most stressful part of being an Irish adult

*wakes up in cold sweat*

giphy Source: Giphy

AH, THE LEAVING Cert nightmare.

Who among us hasn’t woken up in a cold sweat panicking about Irish Paper 2 only to remember that you’re 29 years old and sat the Leaving Cert over a decade ago?

*wipes brow*

Yes, the Leaving Cert Nightmare™ is a peculiarly Irish phenomenon.

Other cultures have nightmares about, say, losing their teeth or falling, but Irish people just have recurring dreams about sitting a tricky history exam.

CHIm55aWcAIU8Z1 Source: Eimear Ng/Twitter

You would think that the panic and fear would subside once you complete the Leaving Cert and become a fully functioning adult, but no.

The Leaving Cert Nightmare™ doesn’t discriminate based on points.

Whether you got 200 points or 600 points, you will likely be haunted by the Leaving Cert Nightmare for the entirety of your adult life.

Sometimes your mind really f**ks wit you and makes the Leaving Cert seem even *more* stressful than it was.

Your subconscious: “Thought the Leaving Cert was stressful? What if you only had one day to study for the whole thing and you had to do the exam on Grafton Street while wearing no clothes?”

*rocks in corner and gently weeps*

Please don’t make me do a geography exam again.

“Léigh anois  go cúramach, ar do scrúdpháipéar, na treoracha agus na ceisteanna a ghabhann le Cuid A.”


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About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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