Dublin: 8 °C Friday 28 March, 2025

All Irish people are wondering the same thing: where's the Leaving Cert Weather?

This is not what we were promised.

IRELAND’S WEATHER IS unpredictable at the best of times, but if there’s one thing we can rely on, it’s glorious sunshine during the Leaving Cert.

This phenomenon is known as Leaving Cert Weather and stipulates that while students around the country sit the most important exam of their young lives, the rest of the country will be treated to blue skies, constant sunshine and, crucially, no rain.

It’s just how we do things here, okay?

Until this year, that is.

The Leaving Cert started in earnest yesterday, but so far, there has been no sign of this fabled Leaving Cert Weather.

Instead, we’ve been treated to drizzle, clouds and generally manky weather. Things are so bleak that there’s a Small Craft Warning in effect. And if there’s one thing that contradicts the spirit of Leaving Cert Weather, it’s small craft warnings.

The only warnings we should be subjected to at this time of year are Too Much Craic Warnings and Don’t Forget To Apply Suncream To Your Shoulders Warnings.

raing Source: Met Éireann

People all over the country are flabbergasted. Betrayed, even.

If we can’t rely on Leaving Cert Weather, what exactly can we rely on?

Why are the weather gods conspiring against us like this?

It’s Trump’s fault. That’s the only logical conclusion.

As for whether the weather is set to improve?

Met Éireann says it’s going to “very unsettled for the rest of the week with some heavy rain or showers at times”. However, they do promise “bright, fresh conditions” next week and state that it won’t be “as wet”.

Womp womp womp.

Might be time to get granny to light a candle for sunshine, eh?

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About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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