PROCRASTINATING. IT’S an affliction.
1. Getting angry with the passport people for not sending out your new passport quickly enough
You applied for it mere weeks before your trip was due to take place, but shhh.
2. Relying on dry shampoo
You know showers are very good and very important. So why is it so hard to drag yourself into one? Why?
3. Or going everywhere with wet hair
You meant to start getting ready hours ago, of course. But sitting down is just so nice.
4. Forgetting to pack key items like contact lenses or your left flip flop
Cue mad dash around the airport Boots.
5. Sleeping on a bare mattress
You said you’d put the clean sheets on later, but then later got even later and now you’re just soooo tired.
6. ‘Creative’ cards and gifts
All you can do is cross your fingers and hope that people don’t judge how much you love them by the gifts you give.
7. Digging around in the laundry basket for something to wear
You saw the underwear drawer getting emptier and emptier and you did nothing. You could have stopped this, but here you are wearing a t-shirt with a curry stain on it.
8. Never replying to texts
It’s a wonder you still have friends.
9. Being that one person no one wanted to do a group project with
You made pulling essays out of your arse into an art form.
10. Making to-do lists then never looking at them again
The feeling of being organised is so good that you don’t need to actually be organised.
11. Slightly hating more ‘together’ people
You’re not prepared because you were too busy having fun*, OK?
(*Pissing around in some weird corner of the internet.)
12. And feeling dead proud of yourself for managing to get something done on time
You almost want to text your mam, boss, and all your friends. Witness meeeeee!