IT’S THE DEBATE that will never die. Are leggings, trousers? As in, is it acceptable to wear leggings outside, with just say, a jumper over it? OR, should leggings only be used underneath a garment that covers the majority of your legs, such as a long shirt or jumper.
This woman, Jamie Higdon Randolph, from Cleveland, Tennessee, filmed a PSA to all legging-wearers to advise them that they are NOT trousers.
She starts off by saying she loves leggings, but they should not be used as pants.
If you can’t wear a shirt that covers your tail so I can’t tell you got some Aztec-print thongs on, you don’t need to be wearing ’em.
As for white leggings… she says:
Lord Jesus. Them’s a big old no-no. You can see all kinds of stuff through them.
The rant has been viewed on Facebook almost 12.5 million times.