And that’s because there was much joy to be found in Galway yesterday, and it all came down to the kind act of an anonymous stranger.
Leisureland in Salthill took to Facebook to pay tribute to a person who sent €120 to the venue, with instructions to let the first 22 children of the day enter for free.
We know, we can barely cope either.
In addition to sidestepping the entry fee, each child was provided with a note which explained why the gesture had been made.
Your entry today had been paid for you by a random act of kindness. I have no connection with Leisureland other than a visit to Ireland a few years ago which has the friendliest people in the world! Hope you enjoy your swim and share the love.
Naturally, everyone is falling all over themselves in response to the gesture, and the post has racked up hundreds of shares and more than 1,000 likes so far.