Dublin: 5 °C Wednesday 19 March, 2025

Dublin school rejigs Let It Go into adorable water charges song

Don’t let it flow, don’t let it flooooow.

THE HAROLD’S CROSS Green Schools committee have truly outdone themselves.

While Frozen and Let It Go are starting to grate, the water charges are still very much on everyone’s agenda.

The Harold’s Cross green schools committee (which helps kids be more aware of the environment by bidding for ‘flags’) put together this adorable song, sung to the tune of the insanely popular Disney tune.

B9a_pBjIQAAHBx_ Source: Ciaran Walsh @kowalshki

So. Knock on the instrumental version, and let the lyrics flow.

Source: Rose Red/YouTube

Give them their water flag, stat.

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These Galway lads have written an extremely passionate rap about Irish Water>

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