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Teacher keeps promise, posts former students letters they wrote 20 years ago

His former students predicted their futures…and some were right.

WOULD YOU LIKE to hear what your 14-year-old self thought their adult life would be like?

For the past forty years Bruce Farrer, a Canadian English teacher, has been posting thousands of his former students handwritten letters they had written to themselves in high school.

He started encouraging his students to write letters to themselves back in 1961.

According to the National Post, the retired 72-year-old now spends hours tracking down his grown-up students to post them their letters, with one condition – they must call him to say thanks.

He said:

They’re just excited to get their letters back. And they’re often amazed by their predictions. I think some of them are embarrassed by how immature they were, but when you’re 14, you’re immature.

Some of their predictions are startlingly accurate – former student DJ Anardi wrote at 15 of wanting to go to college and play football, and how he was dating one girl but had a secret crush on another, Erin.

At 36 years of age, DJ works at a steel mill, and is married to Erin.

Another student dreamed of marrying a ‘beautiful blonde Swede’, and 20 years’ later had moved to Sweden and done just that.

Talk about commitment to his students.

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