IT’S A TRUTH universally acknowledged that Christmas is far better craic when there are kids about.
And for one Derry man living in London, he gets the excitement going early by corresponding with his nieces and nephews back home throughout December:
With personalised letters from the North Pole
Writer Seamas O’Reilly has been doing the letters for three years now – and his eight young relatives absolutely adore them.
First, he sends them a typed letter (above) from ARCTIC HOLDINGS LTD, written by Santa’s chief elf Rufus. Then the kids start receiving handwritten letters from the man himself
The highlight is seeing how much they love receiving the letters each year, as he tells
They do! The best is getting the videos of their reactions.
As he writes on his website, the parents are in on it – so he has a little help:
I got my siblings to send me photos of their letters to Santa before they went up the chimney or what have you, so I had idea of what they were expecting from the man himself.
The letters go into INCREDIBLE detail as well
This year, Santa even shared with the kids some top secret new Pokémon he’s created this year
Every single letter has small print to keep them entertained:
Please note that any and all contact to this address may be monitored by our staff as part of Elf and Safety training within our mailroom dept. Although we do accept gifts (we particularly love drawings!) for the safety of our staff we no longer accept the following items: scissors, needles, rats, weevils, pipes, wipes, bags of tripe; gas, glass, general sass, and photos of the Eastenders cast.
We pre-screen every letter sent for traces of humbug and remind you that all decisions relating to naughty or nice decisions are final
And drawings too
Of course, the real Santa is a little busy at this time of year, so it’s necessary for Arctic Holdings to take on some of the work – as a trusted outsource consultant.
The kids aren’t shy about writing back to Santa either
Find the full, comprehensive account of the last two years here.
Sound uncle.