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19 kids who have very important questions for Santa

Can I be an elf?

WITH LESS THAN three weeks to go before Santa is dropping presents off to kids all over the world, letters are being delivered to the North Pole at a ferocious rate.

Here are some children who’ve penned some very important questions and requests to the big man…

1. I know I was a little bad this year

Letter to Santa Source: moonlightbulb

2. So Santa, is Krampus real?

Letters to Santa About Krampus Source: schnaars

Letters to Santa About Krampus Source: schnaars

3. Tick yes if you did come and no if you didn’t

santa Source: Tiffany Terry

4. A knife, a gun, a bee bee gun AND a super sonic rocket gun

Dear Santa Source: moonlightbulb

5. With elves

Oddly specific Santa address Source: moonlightbulb

6. We hope you enjoy the cokes

Santa Letter Source: melissaclark

7. Thank you for my prinses and my bed

PC258032 Source: Julie, Dave & Family

8. I want my ears pierced when I wake up on Christmas morning

Letter to Santa, page 2 Source: moonlightbulb

9. I love you, bles the world

Letter to Santa (page 2) Source: moonlightbulb

10. Can I be an elf?

Dear Santa, can I be an elf? Source: moonlightbulb

11. The Batmobel

Christmas List 2 Source: magma666

12. My socks worn out

Letter to Santa #2 Source: dougbutchy

13. I want a new biick

DSCN4290 Source: bravo!

14. I wish for a better economy

My eight year old brother's letter to Santa. - Imgur Source: Imgur

15. Take it easy on yourself

My Daughter's Letter to Santa - Imgur Source: Imgur

16. A pony, a train

Milk, Cookies, and Letter to Santa Source: tsayrate

 17. Amazon link

santapoitras1-386x500 Source: The Inclusive

18. Will you still give me a present anyway?

Dear Santa letter Source: ulalume

19. Heston mince pies or bog standard ones?

heston Source: @HotDinners

Have you got your own letters to Santa? Tweet us your pics to @dailyedge or email tips@dailyedge.ie.

23 more unbearably cute letters to Santa> 

14 very Irish Christmas present ideas>

The little girl from the Kelloggs ad got married this year>

About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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