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Lidl absolutely burned Hughie Maughan after his fake tan nightmare last night

You know you’ve hit the big time when supermarkets are owning you on Facebook.

THE SECOND WEEK of RTÉ’s Dancing With The Stars is being talked about all over Ireland today – but not for the dancing on show.

Poor Hughie Maughan’s fake tan mishap was the centrepiece of the action.

And now Lidl Ireland has put the final nail in the coffin this evening

lidlon Source: Lidl Ireland Facebook

The rather excellently timed varnish reference went down well on both Facebook and Twitter

Hughie explained exactly what happened with Ryan Tubridy on RTE Radio One this morning:

What happened was I got to the studios and I started sweating because we’d been rehearsing all day in these massive heavy clothes underneath all the lights
I had to constantly wipe my face and I ended up looking like a Dalmation.
It was all patchy so we had to get this foundation you’d normally use for African skin – it was actually the same foundation the makeup artist used for Jamelia on the Voice
It was obviously for a black person and I’m white.

The gags have been relentless

And the rest of the world was comparing him to Ross from Friends as well

hughie Source: Twitter RughieFan

Poor lad.

The real question remains though…

Even worse if it’s varnish.

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About the author:

David Elkin

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