LIDL IRELAND HAS been having a field day on social media of late.
Earlier this week, people spotted that their latest catalogue had a dead ringer for Bono modelling the DIY tools.
So they gleefully pointed out to the public that The Edge is in there too:
That was standard issue stuff compared to what the lads running the Twitter account had to deal with yesterday.
A Dublin-based customer bought herself a pork fillet for dinner… but when she took it out of the packaging something was up:
“It looks more like a sausage to me”
WHAT is that thing.
It’s hard to know if it’s even NSFW because, you know, it’s a damn pork fillet.
Some important questions:
- How did a pork fillet end up looking like a penis?
- HOW has it taken on not just the basic shape, but also many other identifying features of one?
- Did she still eat it? (The fact that it’s already on the pan there would imply that yes, yes she did)
How would Lidl respond to this… tricky situation?
With a quality – beautifully immature – joke, of course
Looking at the picture, it was always going to be a tough one to handle, so hats off to them.