Dublin: 8 °C Sunday 9 March, 2025

People are sharing the lies they constantly tell their parents

There won’t be any alcohol there.

TRENDING TAGS ON Twitter often bring out the best in us… and the worst.

This morning, #LiesIveToldMyParents is trending in Ireland and we can pretty much tick every box.

1. This absolute fear of admitting you’re mixing with the opposite sex

2. The classic

3. Well ACTUALLY she went to the park with the lad you like so it’s totally over

4. Until next week

5. The only way to convince your parents to let you go

6. Oh well then it’s OK

7. We still use this one to this day

8. * Hides in bedroom all day*

9. So weird, isn’t it?

10. Definitely wasn’t ignoring you. Definitely not

11. Get the hairdryer!

Great hashtag and all, but just be warned

The biggest Dad joke ever appears in today’s Irish Times letter pages>

A little girl defiantly held a rainbow flag throughout a preacher’s anti-gay rant>

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