STAYING IN ON a Friday night is hard to do. But getting up at seven am then heading out for the night of booze and hashtag banter, can you even cope?
Stay in. Lie to yourself.
1. I can justify this takeaway as I worked hard all week
2. I’ll have one glass of wine
Slowly turns into two bottles but you’re SAVING MONEY aren’t you?
3. Staying in is grand sure I’ll have loads of energy in the morning
Yeah, when you get up at 12pm.
4. I’m totally not jealous of everyone having the craic on Facebook
THEY’RE the losers, when you really really think about it. Like really hard.
5. I’m gonna pamper myself a bit
Maybe take a bath, do a facemask, remove unwanted hair… nah * plops self on couch*
6. I might start Orange is the New Black
Fast forward to 5am when you’re three seasons in.
7. I’m totally glad I didn’t go out
You KNOW it’s a good decision, deep deep down. Deep deep deep down.