WE’RE ALL GUILTY of those little lies every now and then.
Let’s just call it like it is and translate what they really mean…
“Just leaving now”
Translation: I’ve just stepped out of the shower. I will be at least 30 minutes late.
“I never liked him/her anyway”
Translation: God I hope you don’t get back with him/her and I have to pretend I liked him/her all along.
“Do you mind? I’ll get you back”
Translation: You’re never seeing this taxi money/drink/smoke/lunch again
“I was JUST about to text you”
Translation: I wasn’t. I’ve been caught rapid being a terrible friend.
“I’m not texting him/her”
Translation: I have been texting him/her for seven hours straight. You can’t stand in the way of our love.
“One of the kids is sick”
Translation: I can’t be bothered going out.
” I can’t, I’ve no money”
Translation: I have money, but I don’t want to spend it on that thing you want to do.