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7 things your friends say... and what they actually mean

Lies. Actual lies.

WE’RE ALL GUILTY of those little lies every now and then.

Let’s just call it like it is and translate what they really mean…

“Just leaving now”

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Translation: I’ve just stepped out of the shower. I will be at least 30 minutes late.

“I never liked him/her anyway”


Translation: God I hope you don’t get back with him/her and I have to pretend I liked him/her all along.

“Do you mind? I’ll get you back”


Translation: You’re never seeing this taxi money/drink/smoke/lunch again

“I was JUST about to text you”


Translation: I wasn’t. I’ve been caught rapid being a terrible friend.

“I’m not texting him/her”


Translation: I have been texting him/her for seven hours straight. You can’t stand in the way of our love.

“One of the kids is sick”


Translation: I can’t be bothered going out.

” I can’t, I’ve no money”


Translation: I have money, but I don’t want to spend it on that thing you want to do.

Read: 12 reasons your indecisive friends are the absolute worst>

More: 9 awful friends you probably have in your crew>

About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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