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Which Life of Brian Character Are You?

You’ve always wondered.


Pick a side...
People's Front of Judea
The prophets

The Romans
The angry mob
Blessed are the...

Manufacturers of dairy products
What have the Romans ever done for us?
Brought peace
They've taken everything we've ever had

Brought good quality sanitation, medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, the fresh water system and public health
The aquaduct
Brian definitely is...
The Messiah
A very naughty boy
How much would you pay for this fake beard?
20 sheckles
10 sheckles? Are you trying to insult me?

14 sheckles? Are you joking?
16 sheckles
Pick a bush...
Juniper bush
Burning bush
Now, pick a Roman name...
Naughtius Maximus
Sillius Sodus

Biggus Dickus
Incontinentia Buttocks
And finally, what do you think of the Judean Popular People's Front?
I quite like him actually
Answer all the questions to see your result!
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You are Brian
You are the leader of the great, unwashed masses of people - even if you don't want to be. You aren't the Messiah, though, you're a very naughty boy.
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You are Biggus Dickus
You might struggle with your pronunciation but you are still a powerful Roman around town.
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You are the People's Front of Judea
You totally represent the people of Judea against the Romans. You're so much better than the Judean People's Front - the splitters.
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You are Brian's Mother
You don't know what the fuss is around your son - he's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy.
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About the author:

David Elkin

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