Dublin: 14 °C Saturday 1 June, 2024

# light

All time
Public urged to 'shine a light' in their windows on Easter Saturday for the sick and frontline workers
Losing darkness at night: LED lights are boosting light pollution worldwide
Watch some water droplets be vaporised by a powerful X-ray laser
Rain clouds dull winter solstice for crowds at Newgrange
Traffic lights are changing too quickly for a lot of old people
Not a fan of the dark evenings creeping in? Here's how to get through the winter nights
Abby Wynne
We're getting children excited about outer space at an earlier age
Carla Hayes
Want to prevent jet lag? Here's the simple way to do it
Hallelujah! See the light in this compact modern dream home
The snow, the frost, the ice: Ireland looks pretty amazing in the winter light
Did you stay up on your phone last night? It could be ruining your sleep and vision
You will not believe how much Harrods' new chandelier cost
Christmas lights are no longer causing a spike in electricity consumption
Mount Etna volcano in Sicily erupts
This optical phenomenon was spotted in Dublin this morning
Debunked: Does reading in low light or staring at a screen damage your eyesight?
Photos: Spot a rainbow this evening? Cos there were lots of them...
Mirror + direct sunlight = house fires, warns fire service
Explainer: What's happening to traditional light bulbs?
Pieta House event shows light at end of darkness