Dublin: 9 °C Saturday 1 March, 2025

The Limerick Fire Brigade came across a group of ducklings in the city and released them back into the wild

And had all the puns too.

FROM FIGHTING ACTUAL fires to sending out quality tweets, the Fire Brigades around Ireland are, of course, constantly busy.

And it’s them you might call when you come across an animal situation with no obvious solution.

As was the case yesterday when these young ducks were found in a box with their mam in a yard in Limerick city

duckling2 Source: Limerick Fire

duckling Source: Limerick City Fire & Rescue

And in a puntastic Facebook post last night, the Limerick City Fire Brigade let us know what happened to them:

We were delighted to be able to help out this nest generation of feathered friends today. They’d become trapped in a yard that just didn’t fit the bill, near Mallow St.

And showed us the moment they were reunited with their new lake home

“Fly my pretties!”

The puns continued:

“In one fowl swoop, without ruffling too many feathers, we brought them to an eggceptional new home – hopefully it’s all it’s quacked up to be.”

duckling3 Source: Limerick Fire


There they are now, swimming off together

duckling4 Source: Limerick Fire

A job well done by the Limerick City Fire Brigade

sailaway Source: Limerick Fire


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About the author:

David Elkin

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