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A Limerick man called a radio station after his bike got a flat tyre and a listener gave him a lift


THE WEATHER LAST night around Ireland was fairly shocking by all accounts - and Limerick saw its fair share of it.

At 7pm last night, Eoin was on the outskirts of Limerick city centre getting ready for his 45 minute cycle home in the pouring rain when he discovered his bike’s tyre had gone flat.

Disaster – he’d have to walk all the way home on the road with his bike in tow.

So he called in to Darren and Sarah B of the Zoo Crew on Spin South West to tell them about his commuting woes.

And that’s when things got interesting

Source: spinsw09/YouTube

The presenters needed some specific information from Eoin to paint a picture – so he described where he was and what he was wearing:

Right now I’m just passing the Crescent Shopping Centre, heading towards town. I’m just going to pass the bus stop now and I’m on the opposite side of the road there.
My bag has got a lovely big luminous RSA logo and I’m walking with a bike.

So Darren had a message for the Zoo Crew listeners in their cars:

If you are passing that area in the next few seconds, give Eoin a beep. If you’re really nice, just pull in.
Just start waving at the traffic there Eoin – and one of our listeners will beep the horn at you. I know it, I can feel it happening, they’re very generous people.

Within seconds, the beeps started raining in on Eoin live on air  - as passing motorists recognised him from the interview

Just five seconds later, Eoin was in luck:

I have actually got a lift! I have a lad pulling up here in a van.

He stuck the bike in the back of the van, and Darren then got to chat away to the good Samaritan who’d pulled up for Eoin:

Barry here.
I have him here in the van now I’m going to give him a spin, I’m on my way to rugby training, we have his bike in the back and we’re going to look after him.

And just like that, he was sorted with a lift home.

Only on Irish radio.

Listen to the full interview on Spin South West here.

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About the author:

David Elkin

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