COSTELLO’S TAVERN IN the centre of Limerick city is a cultural institution at this stage.
As this I Love Limerick tribute says, it’s universally loved:
There isn’t a sinner in Limerick worth their salt who doesn’t get a tingle in their tummy when the weekend comes around after a bad few days and someone says “Costello’s on Saturday? Be grand…” It’s a place unlike any other, and has to be experienced to be believed.
So, yesterday, it was revealed that the lovable old place is changing its carpet
Oh, the stories it could tell.
Once news got out, there quickly appeared an excellent ad on DoneDeal that reads:
For Sale: Costello’s Tavern carpet (Very used)
It’s unknown what quick thinking prankster put it online, but they make a solid case for its sale:
Due to popular demand, we have for sale this luxurious local Limerick landmark… the famous “Costello’s Tavern carpet”.
Are YOU in the market for weapons grade bacterial samples or merely looking to start your own new and wonderful disease?! Well look no further!
The deal sounds like a good one too:
€1500 or ANY offer accepted. (A few cans for take away will do)
Only Limerick people need apply.