1. When this camel queued up for McDonald’s earlier this year
It was a genuine WTF moment across the city.
2. When this bus full of potatoes wheeled it’s way to Limerick
3. When this horse was parked up outside Donkey Ford’s
4. The time this headline detailed the most WTF case of 2014
5. That time a priest took to the ledge to get a better view of the parade
Only in Limerick.
6. And then there was this horse casually waiting outside an Indian takeaway
7. And outside a barber shop, too
8. When someone was stopped driving this truck around with a very secure car on the back
9. That time a strange bargain was just there to be had
10. Imagine discovering this written on a baby’s change table
11. When this deal of the century was put on for RAG Week
12. Remember that time this massive puppet granny walked the streets?
Sipping whiskey:
13. And R2-D2 was taken out for a walk one night
14. This clown just hanging around at a roundabout is enough to make you do a triple-take
15. And the sign going on to the M20 needs to be seen to be believed
16. And finally… this journey during Storm Brigid was the definition of WTF
Truly, only in Limerick.