MARY POPPINS RETURNS stars Emily Blunt and Lin Manuel Miranda joined Graham Norton on his show last night. How nice of them – and so close to Christmas, too.
The pair discussed how the movie’s impacted their day-to-day lives, Emily’s especially. Her daughters are so obsessed with her Mary Poppins voice, they’ve started mimicking her. “Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery”, and all that.
She also described having her mind blown by how sprightly OG ‘Mary Poppins’ star 93-year old Dick Van Dyke was doing the dance routines in the movie.
“[He's] so lithe nobody could believe that it is him actually dancing,” she remembered. “We all sat around him like kids wanting to know all about the original.
Lin-Manuel also got a word on, discussing the rap musical Hamilton he wrote and his time performing it on Broadway. He loved it so much, he got totally paranoid about getting sick and missing shows. As you would, I suppose.
Then, as luck would have it, the night he did end coming down with something? Beyoncé and Jay Z were in the audience.
Emily audibly gasped as the audience recoiled in horror at the declaration. Lin-Manuel went to drastic efforts to try and make it on the night, but to no avail.
“I was ripping the IV out of my arm, I had a fever of 104, and my wife was like, ‘Stay in bed’.
You just couldn’t miss it. It was like the internet came to the show every night.”
He also did a pretty bang-on performance of ‘My Shot!’, which should be a must-watch for ‘Hamilton’ mega fans.
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Brb, selling a kidney for tickets.