“WHO’S TAKING THE horse to France?” and Sally O’Brien are firmly part of the Irish pop culture lexicon now.
But here are some more lines from ads that, from either being a) constantly aired or b) actually funny, will probably remain in your brain forever.
1. ”They’re putting my idea on fayle. In a fayling CYABINET”
Is anyone in Ireland able to say “on file” any more without someone adding “in a filing CYABINET”? Nope.
2. “I don’t know what a tracker mortgage is“
Where is that guy’s Oscar? Where is it?
3. G-g-g-Galway!
This is less of a line than it is a rap? A feeling? A state of being?
4. “Is this a daaate?”
The resurgence in people referencing this Barry’s Tea ad (now ten years old!) has been hugely exciting. The hair, the phone, the lingering glances over cups of tea – it is a priceless relic and should never ever be forgotten.
5. “Hiya Kate? It’s me, the guy from the bar!“
Even if you’ve seen this add a hundred times, the punchline is still a bit of a surprise. BLANTANT anti-culchie propaganda, but what can you do about it now.
6. “Horse racing – let yourself gooooooooooooo”
Don’t know about you, but this still pops into our heads, unbidden, so many years later. Hector is haunting us.
7. “That’s TINTED moisturiser ya PLANK“
The “WHAAAAT?” is also iconic, but the use of ‘plank’ really clinches it here for the mam.
8. “Féach ar seo ladsssss”
Sadly, all evidence of this ad has been wiped from the internet, but ask anyone who grew up in the 2000s about the Chef Ketchup ad set in the Gaeltacht and they will remember.
Here’s the basic premise – fed up with the food the bean an tí is giving him, a young lad writes home and asks for some Chef Ketchup. When it arrives, he exclaims to his fellow students: “Féach ar seo ladssssss!” And lo, a catchphrase was born.
9. “Terenure!”
Sometime around 2008, AIB released a charming ad featuring a woman extolling the virtues of her native Dublin suburb, Terenure. (Really. She says the word ‘Terenure’ four times in 15 seconds.)
For those who knew nothing of the place before seeing the ad, Marie has become its unofficial spokesperson. TERENURE!
10. And of course: “Ciúnas bothar cailín bainne”
The whole country’s feeling of smugness in speaking a few words of Irish abroad, distilled into a 50-second ad.