A MANAGER AT a Chick-A-Fil fast food restaurant in the states is basically the biggest spoilsport ever who hates fun and wants to see it die.
So annoyed with hearing ‘chill’ and ‘turn up’ on a daily basis from his staff, the manager compiled a list of banned slang terms that can no longer be used during working hours–which employee Mausar swiftly posted to Reddit.
Bae, fam, girl bye and ratchet are all off-limits. 3Hunnid and P.O.P Hold it Dine also make an appearance. The latter (along with I’m legally blind) originates in this viral video of a local news arrest footage.
3Hunnid is a refernce to Kanye lyrics, ‘keeping it 300′, which means ‘keeping it real’.
‘Ebola’ also makes the list, as apparently staff had taken to excessively accusing each other of having the disease.
As for ‘Felicia’, well, let Redditor bestaimee explain:
If you’ve seen the classic movie “Friday” there is a part where a crackhead named Felicia is asking to “borrow” things, and the response from Ice Cube’s character is “BYE Felicia!”. It’s come to means “Hell no” for a request, or even just a diss in general if you see someone you don’t like.
We’re starting to sympathise with him.