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Dublin: 6 °C Monday 17 March, 2025

A little boy ripped a page in his library book and wrote the cutest apology

Honesty is the best policy.

KIDS THESE DAYS get a bad rep. They’re not ALL sugar-fueled, videogame obsessed, tetchy monsters. Oh, it’s just us that thought that?

Some of them still love to fall asleep with a good book to lose their imagination in.

Jackson is one such kid, who left this adorable note in a book he borrowed from the Toronto Public Library.

11873349_10153619533125229_6082804446116185118_n Source: torontopubliclibrary

It reads:

I am sorry that a page ripped when it fell out of my bunk when I fell asleep reading it won’t happen again.I’m sorryfrom Jackson

The library don’t seem to mind, writing:

Here’s to many more nights falling asleep with a good book, Jackson!

No wonder he fell asleep so quickly, what a sound conscience he must have.

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