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This little girl nailed the girl code in a sassy homework answer

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THIS LITTLE GIRL’S homework is going viral because of her sassy response.

12196134_903619013018944_8591717349730054269_n Source: Jenn Morrison Douglas

The little girl’s mother Jenn Douglas posted the problem to Facebook, annoyed at dating questions appearing on her daughter’s test. She notes it was set for fourth grade students, which is the equivalent of fourth class.

The question reads:

…In high school, Frank, Mike, George and Ron each went out on a total of 4 dates with 4 different girls. The second time Frank dated Rose and George dated Kay. The third time Mike dated Mary and Ron dated Louise. The fourth time, George dated Louise and Ron dated Kay. For each of the 4 times, tell which girl dated which boy.

But it was her daughter’s response that people are eating up. Citing the girl code, she says:

I can’t answer this problem because my mom says acoording to girl code you shouldn’t date a friends x boyfriend.


While Douglas was proud of her daughter’s response, she told the Huffington Post she didn’t think it was a suitable question for such a young class.

I consider myself to be a completely open-minded type person and as a single mom, try to teach my children about equality and about different types of people they will encounter, but my first reaction was it was not an appropriate question for a fourth grader or really any grade.

As for her teacher’s reaction, Douglas said her teacher laughed at her answer and told her ‘Good point.’

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