YOU MIGHT REMEMBER the little girl who wrote in to DC Comics to ask for more female superheroes.
A friend of Rowan Hansen’s family shared a letter the 11-year-old had written and it soon went viral, even getting the attention of the comic giants.
She got a response to her request for more female superheroes she could identify with, and less pink-washing of those that exist.
Rowan told that she was thrilled with the response, and since then, DC have since upped the game, sending Rowan an illustration of herself as an ACTUAL SUPERHERO.
Look at her little face when TODAY presented it to her.
She’s delighted with the illustration, but wanted to let everyone know that this isn’t the end of it.
I don’t want people to think, ‘Oh, yeah, okay, they responded to her’. Now it’s over. I want people to keep trying to make this happen, cause it’s really important to me