SOME OF THE most simple and hilarious moments in life come from the sight of little people falling over.
The excellent ChildrenFallingOver subreddit captures these moments perfectly and collects them for our entertainment.
So, observe these tiny humans trying and failing to beat gravity (and rest assured that not one of them were injured during their tumbles):
1. The timing of the jump is just slightly off here
Still, landing on sand makes it OK.
2. When you can’t stop yourself
Just going for one rock too many. It’s been the downfall of many.
3. We can blame this on the heavy rain
4. This kid was simply not a fan of this snowman
Although we must call into question the quality of its construction, it wasn’t under any danger here.
5. When twerking doesn’t work out
This could happen to anyone, in fariness.
6. It’s ALIVE
7. He’s getting more enjoyment out of this than everyone else here
8. Laundry day
9. The gradual sneeze-based descent is just perfect
The final, bewlidering look of resignation as he accepts his fate and falls is the perfect ending.
10. Postmen around the world have a lot to answer for
Do they not realise that a toddler could be standing on a fire truck right beside the postbox? How dare they?
11. This perfect score finishing move
12. Everyone feels like this when they taste grapefruit for the first time
13. Judges awarded this dive an exact 0
Extra marks for being fully clothed.
14. It’s hard to feel sympathy in this case
15. So, so close to the pool
16. Nobody knows how this happened, but the very fact that it did makes us doubt the validity of slides everywhere
17. Please, just kick it
The Dad clearly wants to add artificial elements into the game to make it more difficult. Thanks, Dad.
18. And finally, this agonising attempt to reach the couch foiled at the final hurdle by gravity
Gravity getting in the way once again.
h/t - ChildrenFallingOver