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6 simple things that make everyone happy

No matter who you are, these things are sure to give you a big grin.

LIFE IS MADE up of lots of little things that add up to make a big difference.

Small things can change the course of your entire day. Here are some small but brilliant things that make everyone happy.

1. Finding money in your jeans pocket

Haven’t worn those trousers for a while? Digging out that almost-forgotten winter coat? There’s a pure elation to the moment when you find a note crushed up in the pocket. It’s literal cashback. It’s a day-maker, for sure.

howitfeels Source: zgcast.com

2. Waking up and realising it’s Saturday

Pure, unbridled joy. Especially if you get to just roll back over and go  back to sleep for the morning. If it’s raining outside as you’re tucked up in your duvet? All the better.

bJsrrOq Source: Imgur

3. Lights changing just as you arrive

Whether you’re a pedestrian or a motorist, lights changing just as you get to a junction is a magic feeling. It’s as if the universe is telling you to just go right ahead. See also: hitting lots of green lights in one go.

This is what someone did to the local traffic lights! - Imgur Source: Imgur

4. When the dog is really happy to see you

Every pet-owner knows that the feeling of being welcomed unabashedly when you come in the door – be it from just one day at work or a trip away – is unbeatable.

corgi Source: wifflegif.com

5. Escaping without a sore head

You went out, probably had one drink too many, and you’re expecting a rude awakening the following morning. But what’s this? You’ve escaped without any trace of a hangover. Brilliant.

Source: Imgur

6. When a vending machine drops two treats

You put in your money and – just like that, a perfect twist of fate – two bars drop instead of just one.


bqDqgxl Source: Imgur

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