Dublin: 12 °C Wednesday 5 March, 2025

Aidan Gillen is suddenly everyone's (second) favourite on Game of Thrones

Petyr Baelish, you old dog.

LOOK, WE KNOW nobody can touch Tyrion Lannister as the best thing about Game of Thrones.

Lately though, Aidan Gillen’s Littlefinger has been coming in a close second, and this week’s episode has done him lots of favours. (No spoilers here though. We’re sound like that. Although if you really can’t wait, here’s the shocker)

He’s not the the nicest character. Hell, he’s not even likeable. What he is doing right though, is playing the game:

And the tide is slowly but surely turning on Petyr Baelish…



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You can catch the latest episode (S4 Ep 7) on Sky Atlantic at 9pm tonight

Read: People are VERY confused by Aidan Gillen’s ever-changing accent in Game of Thrones>

Amazing ‘alternate ending’ to Tyrion Lannister’s epic Game of Thrones speech (SPOILERS)> 

About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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