ANYONE WHO HAS visited or worked in America knows that tips are not only expected, but make up most of the income of people working in the service industry.
So you’ll understand why this has people up in arms.
Jessica Corinne is a waitress in D’Jais Bar & Grill in Belmar, New Jersey - earlier this week, she served a table of eight people during a particularly busy period.
She says she informed the table that the kitchen was running a little behind, and kept them satisfied with drinks.
“I’ve worked in the service industry for five years and I take pride in providing great service to my customers,” she said.
But when she went to pick up the receipt after their meal, she saw ‘LOL’ scribbled in the tip line, along with the words: “One hour for food”.
On her Facebook page, Corinne explained that she and the other waiters earn $2.50 an hour, and rely on tips to make up their income.
People are calling the diners ‘heartless’ for stiffing her on a tip, and sharing their experiences of terrible customers.
My experience with this table was cruel and unnecessary but sadly it’s not uncommon. With that said: Please be good to your waiters. I know it’s annoying when things aren’t right… But waiters are mere messengers most of the time, and it’s wrong to shoot them, however bad the news.