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Luke Skywalker has been doing some very lonely Co Kerry reviews on Twitter

No man is an island.


Skellig Michael renovation work Source: PA WIRE

IF YOU’VE SEEN the new Star Wars film, or just had your eyes and ears open at all for the past few weeks, you’ll know that Kerry’s Skellig Michael features as the ‘current’ home of Luke Skywalker.

It’s a pretty isolated place, both in real life and in the movie, and Skywalker’s been sending some fairly forlorn Skelling Michael-themed tweets from an increasingly popular account called @VeryLonelyLuke.

He’s complaining about the grub on offer

moss Source: @verylonelyluke

And the company

rock Source: @verylonelyluke

And the lack of jacks roll



He’s even given the place a Yelp review

(Spoiler: it’s not a good review)


Poor, lonely Luke.

Meanwhile, the name of the planet ‘played’ by Skellig Michael in The Force Awakens has been revealed, with Lucas Story Group executive Pablo Hidalgo confirming on Twitter that the name ‘Ahch-To’, visible on a leaked script from the film, is correct.

Tweet by @Pablo Hidalgo Source: Pablo Hidalgo/Twitter

Polygon.com reports that the planet “was the location of the first Jedi temple and comes from the junior novelisation.”

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About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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